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Welcome to Ronen Rubinstein Network - the most up to date source for everything actor, singer and activist, Ronen Rubinstein! You may know him as T.K. Strand from "9-1-1: Lone Star" or his other roles in various movies and TV shows. Here you will find the latest news, photos and media, Make sure to check back often for more updates.

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Originally Posted: April 29. 2020   |   Bitmap (archived)



Tell us a little bit about Ronen Rubinstein?
Well, I was born in Israel. Raised by incredible immigrant parents who wanted to provide a better life for my sister and me. We ended up moving to the “Land of Opportunity” when I was 5. I grew up mostly in New York. I started acting Junior year of high school in my first play. Caught the acting bug. Quickly led to finding a manager and shooting my first Feature Film: “It Felt Like Love.” When I was 19 the film went to Sundance. My life as I knew it changed that day. Acting became not only my favorite thing to do but also my professional business. One gig led to another. Some better than the rest. Now I find myself in the most exciting and fulfilling stage of my career. Starring in FOX’s hit show 9-1-1 Lone Star. I play the big-hearted, loving but complicated firefighter T.K Strand. The son of Hotshot Fire Captain Owen Strand, played by Superstar Rob Lowe. We recently got the announcement of a Season 2 renewal! It is bittersweet because it happened during the quarantine, which I am BEYOND grateful for, but the rest of the world is suffering and there’s no telling when we can even get back to work.

I know you’ve been doing this candle movement, tell me how did it originate and tell us the meaning behind this event you created?
I was inspired by the 7 pm clapping in NY and those singing from the balconies of their homes in Italy for the Healthcare workers on the frontlines of Covid-19. I decided to light a candle with some epic music in the background every day at 7 pm and story it on my Instagram. Before I knew it, hundreds of fans started lighting their own candles with beautiful messages for our healthcare workers. I immediately felt the magnitude and responsibility of keeping this up until we beat this thing. Showing appreciation and donating to our healthcare workers and First Responders is the least we can do right now. As we speak now, we are nearly 750 candles lit by fans all over the world!

In today’s global change, how did it impact you as an artist?
This global change obviously affected me as an artist because we can’t interact and work with other people at this moment. However, I have no right to complain or pity myself. I find myself in a very humbling and fortunate position. I have a home with access to clean water and nutritious food. Surrounded by supportive and loving friends, family, and fans. Even if it’s through a phone screen.

What are the things that you did before that you kinda miss?
I ultimately miss people. Interacting, laughing, hugging, working, going out for food at my favorite restaurants, MOVIE THEATERS!

What are some new things that you are currently working on?
Some new things I’m working on are the new form of the self-discipline of keeping myself busy given the situation I’ve been handed. Reading, cooking, puzzling, building Lego’s, lighting a candle, and showing my appreciation. Donating, donating, donating!

Binging, can you recommend the shows that you’re into?
I’ve been binging on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. 4 seasons in!

What about Music, who do you listen to?
Music is always a super wide variety for me. I was on a Beethoven kick for the first couple weeks of the quarantine. Now I’m transitioning back to Kacey Musgraves again.

After all, this chaos is over and done with, what are you going to do first?
First thing I’m doing, when safe, is bringing all of my closest friends to a beautiful house somewhere and throwing an epic pool party!

I feel like we are all in a state of slow recovery from this, what will change from day to day moving forward?
I can’t say exactly what will change from day today. However, I do hope this teaches us to care for and appreciate each other more. Respect each other’s space. Practice healthy habits. TAKE CARE OF THE PLANET. Pollution has dropped drastically around the globe. We need to treat the Climate Crisis the same way we treated this crisis